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LANDRANGER 92 O/S Crown copyright 2016 CS-30288-W3Z2M1

From the junction of Bridge St. and Market Place turn left towards Alston, passing the Tourist Information Centre on your right. Almost immediately take the road that turns off to the right. It passes the Teesdale Hotel and is signposted ‘Stanhope’. This road leads you past the Victorian parish church of St Mary’s and rises steeply up Town Head, but you leave it fairly soon by taking the road with a no through road sign that runs off to the left (Beck Road). The road leads into the attractive Hudeshope Woods
After 50 yards take the permissive path to the right up through the trees, following the path above the road. Soon fields appear on your right. After the second field the path splits, take the right hand branch ups steep slope along the side of the field. This is a clear permissive path that circles round through the woods, eventually dropping down to a little footbridge with a wood fisherman at work. Cross the bridge and continue on the path. eventually it rises to a T junction with a dry stone wall directly ahead of you. Turn left keeping fields own your right as the path curves round and drops down to come out on a track.
To the right of you are the impressive Parkers Lime Kilns, but our route drops down a few yards to a tarmac no through road (Beck Road.) Follow this back to Middleton but where you see the green metal bridge crossing the beck on your right detour over it and follow the track up the hill to take advantage of the beautiful walkway of beech trees. Soon you come to a house. Keep left in front of the house along a narrow path that takes you out of the woods and passing by a couple of cottages descends via some steps to a street (simply called Hude). (If you briefly turn right you will soon see Middleton House, where the London Lead Company based their headquarters in 1880 and to its right its the company’s clock tower.) To complete the walk turn left on Hude and downhill back into the centre of Middleton.
After 50 yards take the permissive path to the right up through the trees, following the path above the road. Soon fields appear on your right. After the second field the path splits, take the right hand branch ups steep slope along the side of the field. This is a clear permissive path that circles round through the woods, eventually dropping down to a little footbridge with a wood fisherman at work. Cross the bridge and continue on the path. eventually it rises to a T junction with a dry stone wall directly ahead of you. Turn left keeping fields own your right as the path curves round and drops down to come out on a track.
To the right of you are the impressive Parkers Lime Kilns, but our route drops down a few yards to a tarmac no through road (Beck Road.) Follow this back to Middleton but where you see the green metal bridge crossing the beck on your right detour over it and follow the track up the hill to take advantage of the beautiful walkway of beech trees. Soon you come to a house. Keep left in front of the house along a narrow path that takes you out of the woods and passing by a couple of cottages descends via some steps to a street (simply called Hude). (If you briefly turn right you will soon see Middleton House, where the London Lead Company based their headquarters in 1880 and to its right its the company’s clock tower.) To complete the walk turn left on Hude and downhill back into the centre of Middleton.