Pub Walk 4 :
The Strathmore Arms : Holwick, Low Force and Gibson's Cave Distance - 3.5 miles Map : OS Explorer OL31 |
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LANDRANGER 92 O/S Crown copyright 2016 CS-30288-W3Z2M1

Parking : There is some roadside parking opposite West Farm. Alternatively you can start the walk from Bowlees Car Park (see alternative directions below)
Refreshments : Sadly the Strathmore Arms is now closed. Refreshments are available at Bowlees Visitor centre, but check their website for opening days and times.( )
Directions : Walk up the road in the direction of Holwick. After 600 meters the road turns to the right, continue on the road over the cattle grid then take the footpath to the right with a marker post in the field, down through the fields, across two stiles over walls and over a small donkey bridge. Following the path down through a wooden gate to Low Force.
Cross the Wynch Bridge, built in 1830, one at a time, and enjoy a closer look at Low Force. Then continue on the pathway up to a gate and a squeeze stile into farmland. Cross two fields towards the white houses to reach the B6277. Cross the road turning right for a few meters before turning left into a lane with Bowlees Visitor Centre in front of you. Here you can find refreshments and toilets.
Passing the Visitor Centre on your left, up some steps follow the path to the car park, down steps then over a small wooden bridge. The alternative starting point for the walk is from this car park. Here turn left , past some toilets, and continue along the footpath through a wooden gate and up more steps, meandering next to Bow Lee beck for 500 meters, until you reach Summerhill Force and Gibson’s Cave; Gibson was a 16th century outlaw who lived behind the waterfall to stay hidden from the law. Return along the same path, turning left just before the toilets, up to the tarmac and take the gate on the left. First following the track up an incline then turn right crossing the field to a gate and stile in the corner ahead, across the stile and following a wall on your right continue to Hood Gill. Over a stile next to a wooden gate and continue in the same direction past a barn on the left across two fields to reach the road. Here turn right onto the Newbiggin road. Take the first road on the right to reach the B6277.
Turn right then after 20 metres left into the field opposite, taking a path to the right hand corner, over a stile and down an old narrow path to a footbridge. Cross this and then cross the field ahead with the wood on your right, through a gate. Cross to a bridge and the river Tees ahead. Over the bridge take the stile in front of you and go through the gate on your right . Turning up the field to the left, past a marker stone, through a gate into the next field and continue up to a stile which will bring you out onto the Holwick road. Turn left and walk 300 meters back down to the Strathmore Arms or if you started at Bowlees turn right and follow the directions above.
Refreshments : Sadly the Strathmore Arms is now closed. Refreshments are available at Bowlees Visitor centre, but check their website for opening days and times.( )
Directions : Walk up the road in the direction of Holwick. After 600 meters the road turns to the right, continue on the road over the cattle grid then take the footpath to the right with a marker post in the field, down through the fields, across two stiles over walls and over a small donkey bridge. Following the path down through a wooden gate to Low Force.
Cross the Wynch Bridge, built in 1830, one at a time, and enjoy a closer look at Low Force. Then continue on the pathway up to a gate and a squeeze stile into farmland. Cross two fields towards the white houses to reach the B6277. Cross the road turning right for a few meters before turning left into a lane with Bowlees Visitor Centre in front of you. Here you can find refreshments and toilets.
Passing the Visitor Centre on your left, up some steps follow the path to the car park, down steps then over a small wooden bridge. The alternative starting point for the walk is from this car park. Here turn left , past some toilets, and continue along the footpath through a wooden gate and up more steps, meandering next to Bow Lee beck for 500 meters, until you reach Summerhill Force and Gibson’s Cave; Gibson was a 16th century outlaw who lived behind the waterfall to stay hidden from the law. Return along the same path, turning left just before the toilets, up to the tarmac and take the gate on the left. First following the track up an incline then turn right crossing the field to a gate and stile in the corner ahead, across the stile and following a wall on your right continue to Hood Gill. Over a stile next to a wooden gate and continue in the same direction past a barn on the left across two fields to reach the road. Here turn right onto the Newbiggin road. Take the first road on the right to reach the B6277.
Turn right then after 20 metres left into the field opposite, taking a path to the right hand corner, over a stile and down an old narrow path to a footbridge. Cross this and then cross the field ahead with the wood on your right, through a gate. Cross to a bridge and the river Tees ahead. Over the bridge take the stile in front of you and go through the gate on your right . Turning up the field to the left, past a marker stone, through a gate into the next field and continue up to a stile which will bring you out onto the Holwick road. Turn left and walk 300 meters back down to the Strathmore Arms or if you started at Bowlees turn right and follow the directions above.